Monday, May 26, 2008

May 2008 DeepInsights

RELATIONSHIPS for flawless execution come in many shapes and sizes. They are human, technical and environmental. Each requires oversight activities to sense when the specific relationship necessitates revisions.

HUMAN involvement is best when people understand the goal, commit to the goal and hold themselves accountable for performance. Often goals become clouded as time passes because dialogue dwindles. When dialogue dwindles, time is dedicated to doing WORK instead of understanding how the work contributes to reaching the goal. Time outs must be maintained to keep everyone focused on the big picture understanding who, what and how to assist those who are struggling to keep up.

TECHNICAL issues are often the cause of individual struggles. They require clear definition with active support. The answer may lie in training, equipment, outsourcing, consultation or revision to the goals that would make the technical issue irrelevant. Scheduled time outs are a great investment to determine root cause and solution.

ENVIRONMENTAL concerns are best thought of as outside influences that can be positive or negative. First, one must know their ecological system and what parts might influence their outcome, positive or negative. Second, assignments for observation should be made to determine if an event is noteworthy. Third, data should be reviewed in a collaborative setting to determine the effects on goals and execution.

HUMAN, technical and environmental issues left unattended will generate lack of goal clarity, weaken commitment, reduce initiative and sap creativity. The solution is discipline to schedule more not less dialogue in a knowledge workplace.