Monday, March 31, 2008

March 2008 Deep Insights

Management lives at the edge of peril; one side is success and the other failure. Decisions are constantly made that will keep the organization from stumbling into a vacuum of nothing. Success and failure can be equally dangerous if resources are not allocated through awareness, inclusion, feedback, development and participation.

If people in the organization are unaware of how their behavior benefits or distracts the organizations performance; Management has failed. Management must embrace a culture of transparency leading processes that drive inclusion. Once included people gain an awareness of their objectives and the behavior that breeds success will begin to take shape. Clarity of objectives will drive initiative to a higher level increasing performance to reach the organizations goals.

Good leaders will set transparent objectives and ask people to develop action plans to achieve success. Mechanisms will be structured to deliver transparent feedback for everyone to see each others performance. Transparent feed back will inevitable lead to a determination of where and when additional resource are required. When resources are allocated good leaders become active participants available for consultation. They embrace the perilous situation as an opportunity to further develop themselves and the personnel they are coaching. Everyone has a stake in the outcome.

Peril provides Management with the opportunity to seek out answers from people throughout the organization responsible for execution. Peril is a catalyst for organizations to embrace results not effort to become dedicated to transparency, collaboration finding the right way not the one way.